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CAE-based 3D Printing Optimal Design

Design For Additive Manufacturing is a technology needed to optimize 'design', which is considered one of the six core technologies of 3D printing manufacturing.

DfAM It is recognized as an innovative design technique in that it allows processing of complex shapes that were difficult to process with conventional machining or molds.

  • lightweight design
  • Structural analysis
  • Topology optimization
  • Flow analysis
  • Simulation


  • 01 Lightweight Product
  • 02 Minimize the use of materials
  • 03 Maintaining stiffness of raw materials
  • 04 No post-processing process required
Optimal production Manufacturing innovation
    • Device Design

      It changes the design and design structure of the product compared to various data such as the main functions and designs of the product to be developed and the market competition price of the product sold in the existing market. Or design in a way that fits the production process more efficiently

    • Reverse Engineering

      It is a technology that measures the shape of a real object without design data with 3D scanning equipment and generates 3D modeling data available in CAD based on digitized shape information. It is suitable for precise shape reproduction such as discontinued parts, and design variables and design intentions are reflected.

    • CAE

      When the design data is released, it is necessary to conduct a structural analysis to predict the stress, strain, etc. of the structure, and evaluate durability and safety to reduce trial and error in the development process and to reduce product development costs. It proceeds with phase optimization by applying.

      the analysis method that fits the characteristics and needs of the product.

    • MSC Apex
      Generative Design

      A fully automated, generative design solution developed based on MSC Apex in intuitive CAE environments.

      MSC Apex Generative Design developed to create detailed and complex structures that can only be manufactured by additive processes

    • Simufact
      Simufact Welding

      Thermal bonding process optimization simulation that predicts welding deformation and residual stress during the welding process

      Simufact Additive

      Simulation of optimization of metal-based additive manufacturing processes such as deformation, minimization of residual stress, etc